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Saturday, January 10, 2009

What joy to share with you God’s mighty work among the children!


I praise the Lord  for  the opportunity to once again go  with   the Elementary School Evangelistic Campaign (ESEC)  team  for its  evangelistic efforts in  the  public schools. Since I was assigned in the Children’s Ministry department,  I missed the privilege  to go places and share  about the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to the little ones.

Excited, I joined the team last August  18-31 when they  went up  to Abra and  to La Union last September 1-12.  The first school we visited in Abra approved of our Book of Hope  distribution   but refrained us  from teaching the Wordless Book. We were in a dilemma. We cannot leave out the most important  message  the children needed to hear – the message of salvation.  For this  purpose we went.  We did not want to leave  without their  hearing about the One, True God, realizing  that  the best time to teach them  is now, while they are  young and their hearts are  tender.

What do we do? We shared the Wordless Book anyway!  And God intervened.  We were able to share the  wonderful message of salvation to the children without us getting caught.  We believe "This was according to the eternal purpose that he has realized in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in Him" (Eph 3:11-12).  Praise the Lord!

We give glory to God for those  four weeks.  About 20,000 children were reached with over 19,000 of them professing  faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our co-workers  who are  pioneering the work in these areas are  seeing to it that these children are  followed up through our discipleship classes and  eventually channeled to nearby Bible-believing churches..

 A CEF  song goes...  'Around the corner, around the world a child needs Jesus a child whose never heard, Let’s take the Good News Lets take God's living Word, Around the corner, Around the world.  That includes the children of Abra and La Union. I am glad that we could go to these children. And that we could go  with you because you prayed and gave sacrificially.  


Thank you for being my partner in reaching the  children!

  Thank you very much for your prayers. The Lord bless you abundantly.


Mae Catarongan


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